Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Hello again! Here's a little update on the design work I'm doing at the moment. Have a peek at previous posts to see what I've done before this. 
The patterns below are some of my favorite so far, I can see where they're heading now.

I've used the drawings of my dogs to create a more random pattern. This pattern below is a working repeat.

 Here's how it works when it is repeated.

I've done the same with the objects from my home that I drew. I like the tonal changes in colour, rather than making them grayscale and all the objects having the same tones.

 And here's how this one works as a repeat. I think I need to work on this one more so the repeat is not so obvious.

 I also used the hand drawn objects to create this busy random repeat pattern. I can see this on a thin, sheer fabric such as silk. 

Here I combined the objects with the dog lead pattern I created. I really like this, even as a stand alone piece.

This is the same as the pattern above but in a red and black colourway.

And here it is in a red and blue colourway.

I've made the above pattern into a repeating pattern. I like the busy-ness of it.

I've made the pattern a bit less busy here by using the red objects on their own in the middle of the pattern.

Here it is when it is repeated. I think it needs more work to make it look more continuous.

I originally started designing  for interior fabrics and wallpapers but now the patterns are developing I can see some of the simple black and white patterns on tiles. And some of the random repeats as gift wrap. 
As always, let me know what you think!!

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