Friday, 1 June 2012

An update on life!

Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been a while since I last blogged, I've been kinda snowed under with completing my degree!
My work has been submitted, I can't add anything else, and now is just a waiting game until results time!!
I stupidly thought the stress and hard work would be over once I had put my exhibition up and handed all my work in, but myself and some of my classmates are exhibiting in London at New Designers at the end of June and there is a whole bunch of stuff to prepare for that too. The things I have to do for that will also prepare me for my career as a self employed designer though so it's worth putting the time in. I'm getting my products photographed, building a website, creating business cards and presspacks, registering for graduate competitions - the list of work is endless!
 I can't wait to show you images of the mugs, cushions, business cards, etc but for the moment you will have to wait, but watch this space!